Physicians and Surgeons for Scientific Integrity



List of Members





A Great Success!
Darwin or Design?
Resolving the Conflict
Held at the University of South Florida’s   Sun Dome, on September 29th, 2006, and at the Radisson Hotel on September 30th

Sponsored by Physicians and Surgeons for Scientific Integrity

The set of four DVDs containing the presentations made on both days are available for only $30 including US shipping.  To order simply click on Contact Us in the left margin, write "DOD DVD" in the subject line and then send.  We'll respond with specific ordering instructions.


Photos courtesy of D. Thomas Porter, OmegaNews.US


Dr. Michael Behe
Biologist and author of Darwin’s Black Box

Dr. Jonathan Wells
Biochemist and author of Icons of Evolution

Dr. Ralph Seelke
Professor of biology & research scientist


Dr. Tom Woodward
Author of Doubts About Darwin




  • Over 3,000 heard compelling scientific evidence contrary to Darwinian macroevolution.
  • Each high school or college student attending the event received a free copy of the powerful DVD Unlocking the Mystery of Life.

Physicians and Surgeons for Scientific Integrity ( - PSSI)
is dedicated to educating the public on the inadequacy of the theory of Darwinian macroevolution to
account for the origination and complexity of life.
  To reach PSSI please click on Contact Us in the left margin.